Cellphone & Texting Accidents Lawyer Ohio


Cellphone & Texting Accidents Lawyer Ohio

Representing Ohio Cellphone and Texting While Driving Accident Victims

Despite Ohio’s ban on texting and emailing while driving, accidents happen every day because of this very distraction. Drivers routinely ignore the law, placing themselves and everyone sharing the road with them at risk of serious injury. When these irresponsible drivers cause accidents, anyone who suffers a serious injury as a result is entitled to be fairly compensated for the losses they have suffered.

If you or a loved one is suffering because of a distracted driver’s negligence, it is important that you seek the advice of a auto accident lawyer with the knowledge and the skill to protect your interests above all else. At Heit Law, LLC, I provide the proactive and timely representation necessary to secure the compensation you need to recover from your injuries and move on with your life after a texting while driving accident.

Distracted Driving Involves More Than Just Texting And Cell Phone Use

While texting and other cell phone use tend to be the most recognizable form of distracted driving, any distraction can lead to accidents that cause devastating injuries. GPS units, MP3 players, radios, children, food, and even makeup and reading the newspaper have been known to take drivers’ attention off the road long enough to cause a serious accident.

The injuries that occur in distracted driving accidents also have the potential to be more severe due to the higher impact speeds that are often involved. When a distracted driver looks away from the road for any period of time, he or she will not be able to react in time if the traffic ahead stops suddenly. Such high-speed crashes can lead to broken bones, head and neck injuries, and traumatic brain injuries, among others.